Perfect Driver Grip Guide | Hold Your Golf Club Right

When it comes to mastering your golf swing, the grip is a crucial element that often goes overlooked. The way you hold your golf club can greatly impact your control, distance, and accuracy on the course. In this guide, we will delve into the correct hand positioning and grip techniques specifically tailored for the driver golf club, ensuring you have the perfect grip every time.

Many golfers make the mistake of gripping the club in the palm of their hand, which leads to tension and limited wrist mobility. However, the perfect golf grip involves holding the club in the fingers, allowing for more wrist movement and control. By mastering the 45-degree angle grip, where the top of the club handle is held in the fingers of the lead hand and the trail hand holds the club at a 45-degree angle, you can achieve the optimal grip and unleash your full potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • The perfect golf grip involves holding the club in the fingers, not the palm of your hand.
  • Master the 45-degree angle grip for maximum control and distance.
  • Proper hand positioning allows for more wrist movement and control.
  • The perfect grip can lead to better contact, increased distance, and improved accuracy.
  • Experiment with different grip types to find what suits you best.

The Game-Killing Grip Mistake Almost Every Amateur Golfer Makes

When it comes to golf, proper grip technique is essential for success on the course. Unfortunately, many amateur golfers make a game-killing mistake by gripping the golf club in the palm of their hand. This common grip mistake can have detrimental effects on their game, causing tension, limiting range of motion, and compromising crucial elements like leverage, torque, and a square clubface.

Gripping the club in the palm creates unnecessary tension in the hands and arms, which can negatively impact the golfer’s swing. The limited range of motion in the wrists restricts their ability to generate power and control the club effectively. Without proper leverage and torque, the golfer will struggle to achieve optimal distance and accuracy.

One of the key issues with the palm grip is the tendency to leave the clubface open at impact. This open clubface position can lead to shots veering off to the right for right-handed golfers, resulting in a slice. It can be frustrating for amateur golfers to consistently battle with shots that miss the target due to this grip mistake.

Furthermore, gripping the club in the palm can lead to discomfort and even soreness in the wrists and forearms. This is primarily because the grip restricts natural wrist movement and places unnecessary strain on the muscles and tendons.

To overcome this game-killing grip mistake, golfers should focus on adopting the perfect golf grip, which involves holding the club in the fingers rather than the palm. By doing so, golfers can achieve a more relaxed grip, allowing for greater wrist mobility and better control throughout the swing.

By avoiding the palm grip and mastering the perfect golf grip, amateur golfers can experience immediate improvements in their game. They will enjoy solid and consistent contact with the ball, increased distance, and improved accuracy. It’s essential for golfers at all levels to recognize the importance of proper grip technique and take the necessary steps to refine their grip for better performance on the course.

Now let’s take a closer look at how to achieve the perfect golf grip every time.

How to Achieve the Perfect Golf Grip Every Time

Achieving the perfect golf grip is essential for every golfer’s success on the course. By following a simple routine and using the right techniques, you can achieve a grip that enhances your control, power, and accuracy. Let’s explore the steps to achieving the perfect golf grip:

  1. Start with the 45-Degree Angle Grip: The 45-degree angle grip is the recommended starting point for achieving the perfect golf grip. Hold the club out in front of you at a 45-degree angle using your trail hand, the hand farthest from the target. This angle allows for optimal wrist movement and control.
  2. Grip the Club Handle in the Fingers: Place the top of the club handle in the fingers of your lead hand, the hand closest to the target. This grip positioning ensures a lighter grip pressure and greater stability during your swing. The shaft should exit through the middle knuckle of your index finger.
  3. Add the Trail Hand: Once you have the grip established with the lead hand, add your trail hand to complete the grip. You can choose between an overlapping or interlocking grip based on your preference and comfort. Ensure that both hands work together harmoniously and maintain a balanced grip pressure.

This grip routine, starting with the 45-degree angle grip and progressing through the lead hand grip and trail hand grip, is crucial in achieving the perfect golf grip. Mastering this technique will contribute to better contact, increased distance, and improved accuracy in your shots. Holding the club out in front of you and following this routine will help you achieve the perfect golf grip every time.

Grip Technique Description
45-Degree Angle Grip Holding the club at a 45-degree angle with the trail hand
Lead Hand Grip Placing the top of the club handle in the fingers of the lead hand
Trail Hand Grip Adding the trail hand with overlapping or interlocking grip

Different Types of Golf Grips

When it comes to gripping a golf club, there are three primary types of grips that golfers can choose from. Each grip offers its own set of advantages and considerations, allowing players to find the one that suits their individual needs and preferences.

1. 10-Finger Grip

The 10-finger grip, also known as the baseball grip, involves all ten fingers holding the club. This grip is often favored by golfers with smaller hands or those who prefer a more secure grip on the club. By utilizing all fingers, this grip can offer enhanced control and stability.

2. Overlapping Grip

The overlapping grip, sometimes referred to as the Vardon grip, is one of the most commonly used grips in golf. In this grip, the pinkie finger of the trail hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) overlaps the index and middle fingers of the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers). This grip provides a comfortable and secure hold on the club and is favored by many professional golfers.

3. Interlocking Grip

The interlocking grip is similar to the overlapping grip but with an added interlock between the pinkie finger of the trail hand and the index finger of the lead hand. This grip is often chosen by golfers with larger hands or those seeking additional power in their swings. The interlocking grip can help promote a unified and connected feel throughout the swing, resulting in improved control and distance.

Golfers should experiment with different grip types to find the one that offers the most comfort, control, and power for their game. It is important to note that the grip can greatly influence the overall feel and performance of a golfer’s swing, so finding the right grip is essential.

Golf Grip Types

Holding a Driver vs. a Putter

When it comes to holding a golf club, the grip for a driver and a putter are different due to the nature of the shots. Let’s take a closer look at the grip techniques and hand placement for each.

Holding a Driver

When holding a driver, the lead hand should be placed at the top of the grip. For right-handed golfers, this would be the left hand. The right hand should overlap the left hand, creating a “V” shape with the thumb and forefinger. This grip provides stability and control while allowing the wrists to hinge properly during the swing. It is important to hold the driver with a firm yet relaxed grip to maintain control and maximize distance.

Holding a Putter

When it comes to holding a putter, the grip technique is slightly different. The lead hand should be placed on top of the grip, with the right hand below. The fingers of the lead hand should wrap around the grip, while the right hand lightly rests on the club. There are many variations in how to hold a putter, including the traditional grip, cross-handed grip, or claw grip. Golfers should experiment with different grip techniques and choose the one that feels most comfortable and natural for them.

Understanding the differences in hand placement for different clubs is key to achieving a successful and consistent golf swing. Whether you’re holding a driver or a putter, mastering the grip techniques can greatly impact your control and accuracy on the course.


Holding a golf club correctly is of utmost importance for a successful swing. The grip techniques and hand placement discussed in this guide can have a significant impact on a golfer’s control, distance, and accuracy. By avoiding common grip mistakes and adopting the perfect golf grip, golfers can improve their game and achieve better contact with the ball.

Experimenting with different grip types is crucial to find the one that is most comfortable and effective for each individual golfer. Remember, the grip is the only connection between the golfer and the club, making it deserving of careful attention and practice.

So, take the time to master the correct grip techniques and hand placement. By doing so, you’ll set yourself up for success on the golf course, enhancing your overall performance. Whether it’s the driver or putter, understanding the importance of holding a golf club properly will undoubtedly take your game to new heights.


How should I hold a driver golf club?

The best way to grip a driver is to hold the club in the fingers, not the palm of your hand. This allows for more wrist movement and control. Use the 45-degree angle grip with the top of the club handle in the fingers of your lead hand and the trail hand holding the club at a 45-degree angle.

What is the perfect golf grip?

The perfect golf grip involves holding the club in the fingers, allowing for more wrist movement and control. The recommended grip is the 45-degree angle grip, with the top of the club handle in the fingers of the lead hand and the trail hand holding the club at a 45-degree angle.

What are some grip techniques for a driver golf club?

The 45-degree angle grip is a popular technique for holding a driver golf club. It involves using the trail hand to hold the club at a 45-degree angle, with the top of the club handle in the fingers of the lead hand. Additionally, experimenting with different grip types such as the 10-finger grip, overlapping grip, and interlocking grip can help find the most comfortable grip for you.

Where should I position my hands for a driver golf club?

When holding a driver, the lead hand should be placed at the top of the grip, with the left hand for right-handed golfers. The right hand should overlap the left hand, creating a “V” shape with the thumb and forefinger.

How is holding a driver different from holding a putter?

When holding a driver, the lead hand is placed at the top of the grip, while when holding a putter, the lead hand is placed on top of the grip. The hand placement and grip technique may vary depending on the club and the shot you are attempting.

Why is holding a golf club correctly important?

Holding a golf club correctly is vital for a successful swing. The right grip can improve control, maximize distance, and enhance accuracy. By avoiding common grip mistakes and adopting the perfect golf grip, golfers can achieve better contact with the ball and see improvement in their game.

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Yousef Savimbi

Yousef Savimbi is the avatar of Sporticane. Savimbi created Sporticane in order to provide general knowledge to aspiring young sports stars and their and as well as help them leverage their athleticism and passion into fulfilling careers.

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