Why Do Football Players Paint Black Under Their Eyes? Discover Why!

Football players are often seen with black paint under their eyes, commonly known as eye black. This practice has both practical and aesthetic purposes, and it has become a distinctive feature of the sport. But why do football players paint black under their eyes? Let’s delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and explore the science behind it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Football players paint black under their eyes to reduce glare from the sun and stadium lights.
  • Eye black improves contrast sensitivity and enhances a player’s ability to track objects in a sunny environment.
  • There are different styles of eye black, including roll-on grease and stick-on strips.
  • The science behind eye black suggests that it does have anti-glare properties.
  • Eye black has historical origins in sports and has become an aesthetic symbol of determination and intensity.

The Practical Purpose of Eye Black

Eye black serves a crucial practical purpose in football, providing players with a competitive advantage on the field. Its primary function is to reduce glare, allowing players to maintain clear vision and focus on the game. By minimizing the reflection of light from the sun and stadium lights, eye black enhances a player’s ability to track the ball and recognize signals from teammates and coaches.

Wearing eye black is especially beneficial in outdoor games played under bright sunlight. It helps to create a contrast between the white of the ball and the surroundings, making it easier for players to spot and catch the ball accurately. Eye black’s effectiveness in reducing glare has been scientifically proven, with studies showing improved contrast sensitivity and enhanced visual acuity for athletes wearing it.

Additionally, eye black helps maintain a steady level of sensitivity to contrast, which is critical for tracking objects in a fast-paced, dynamic sporting environment. By reducing the intensity of light entering the eyes and minimizing distractions caused by glare, football players can perform at their best and make quick, accurate decisions on the field.

Benefits of Eye Black in Football
Reduces glare from the sun and stadium lights
Enhances vision by improving contrast sensitivity
Helps players track the ball more effectively
Increases visual acuity in bright outdoor conditions
Minimizes distractions from light reflections

Different Styles of Eye Black

Eye black comes in various styles, each offering its own advantages and drawbacks. Whether it’s the traditional roll-on grease or the convenient stick-on strips, football players have options when it comes to choosing their preferred eye black style.

Roll-on Eye Black

Roll-on eye black is one of the most popular styles. It is applied directly to the skin in a smooth manner, providing consistent coverage. This type of eye black is less prone to smearing, making it a reliable choice during intense physical activity. However, it may require multiple applications throughout the game, as sweat can cause the grease to wear off over time.

Stick-on Eye Black

Stick-on eye black has gained popularity in recent years due to its convenience. These adhesive strips are easy to apply and require no additional products. They provide a clean and crisp look, staying in place even during intense physical activity. However, they may not be as resistant to sweat and may have a higher chance of falling off.

Customization of Eye Black

Some players take eye black customization to the next level by personalizing their stick-on strips. They add messages, symbols, or designs to showcase their individuality or support specific causes. However, it’s important to note that certain leagues, like the NCAA, have implemented regulations prohibiting players from displaying symbols or messages on their eye black during games.

Eye Black Style Advantages Disadvantages
Roll-on Eye Black Smooth application May require reapplication
Stick-on Eye Black Convenient and easy to apply May not be as resistant to sweat
Customized Stick-on Eye Black Allows for personalization Regulations may limit customization

Eye Black Style Comparison

When deciding between roll-on eye black and stick-on eye black, players must consider their individual preferences and game-day conditions. Roll-on eye black offers a smoother application and is less likely to smudge, while stick-on eye black provides convenience and a clean look. Players who wish to personalize their eye black should be aware of any regulations in their league.

Ultimately, the style of eye black chosen by football players is a matter of personal preference. Regardless of the style, the primary purpose remains the same – to reduce glare and enhance performance on the field.

The Science Behind Eye Black

Eye black has long been a staple accessory for football players, but what is the science behind its effectiveness? Scientific evidence suggests that eye black has anti-glare properties that can improve a player’s vision on the field. A study conducted by the ophthalmology department of the Yale School of Medicine found that wearing eye black grease improved contrast sensitivity and reduced glare from the sun and stadium lights. This improvement in visual acuity can be crucial for athletes who need to track fast-moving objects like a football in a sunny environment.

While the exact mechanism behind eye black’s anti-glare properties is not fully understood, it is believed that the dark color absorbs light and reduces the amount of glare that reaches the eye. This allows players to see objects more clearly and enhances their ability to distinguish between light and dark. It’s important to note that the study specifically focused on eye black grease, and the anti-glare effect may not be as pronounced with stick-on strips or other forms of eye black.

“Wearing eye black is like putting on sunglasses. It reduces glare and helps me focus on the game.” – Professional football player

While the scientific evidence supports the use of eye black for glare reduction, its impact on overall performance is still a subject of debate. Some athletes swear by its benefits, claiming that it improves their concentration and gives them a psychological edge on the field. However, it’s worth noting that the effectiveness of eye black can vary among individuals, and some players may not experience the same level of visual enhancement.

Effectiveness of Eye Black Player A Player B
Improved Contrast Sensitivity Yes No
Reduced Glare Yes Yes
Enhanced Visual Acuity No Yes

As with any accessory or equipment, it’s important for athletes to find what works best for them. Some players may prefer the traditional eye black grease, while others may opt for stick-on strips for convenience and ease of use. Ultimately, the decision to wear eye black and the choice of style will depend on personal preference and individual performance feedback.

Historical Origins of Eye Black

Eye black has a rich history in sports, with its origins dating back to the early days of baseball. One of the first athletes to use eye black was the legendary Babe Ruth in the 1930s. Ruth used it to reduce sun glare and improve his visibility on the field. This practice caught on and soon became popular among football players as well. Andy Farkas, a professional football player, further popularized the use of eye black in American football.

The original eye black was made from the ashes of burned cork. Players would apply the black substance under their eyes to reduce the reflection of light and improve their ability to track the ball. Over time, eye black became a common sight in various sports, including baseball, softball, and lacrosse. It became synonymous with the intensity and competitive spirit of athletes on the field.

“One of the first athletes to use eye black was the legendary Babe Ruth in the 1930s.”

Today, eye black is available in different forms, from traditional roll-on grease to stick-on strips. Players often customize their eye black, writing messages or drawing designs to showcase their individuality or promote meaningful causes. However, regulations, such as those imposed by the NCAA, limit the extent to which players can personalize their eye black during games.

The historical origins of eye black highlight its practical purpose and its evolution as a symbol of determination and focus in sports. From its humble beginnings in baseball to its widespread use across various athletic disciplines, eye black continues to be an iconic and visually striking feature of athletes in action.

Eye Black and Aesthetics

The use of eye black in football goes beyond its practical purpose of reducing glare. It has also become a symbol of intimidation and determination on the field. Former ESPN writer Paul Lukas describes eye black as modern war paint, transforming players into fierce warriors ready to battle. The sight of black streaks below the eyes creates a visually striking and powerful image.

Many athletes genuinely love wearing eye black because it adds to their overall appearance and persona as they compete. It gives them a sense of confidence and toughness, enhancing their mental mindset on the field. From high school athletes to professional players, the application of eye black has become a tradition and a personal choice for many.

Eye black is like putting on your armor before every game. It’s a way to show that you’re ready to face any challenge that comes your way.

The intimidating look of eye black, combined with its practical benefits, makes it an essential accessory for many football players. It not only enhances their performance by reducing glare but also adds to the overall theatrics and intensity of the game.

eye black and aesthetics

Eye Black and Glare Reduction

One of the primary reasons football players paint black under their eyes with eye black is to reduce glare. Glare from the sun and stadium lights can impair a player’s vision, making it difficult to track the movement of the ball and other players on the field. Eye black helps to minimize this glare, allowing players to see more clearly and react swiftly. But just how effective is eye black in reducing glare? Let’s find out.

“MythBusters,” the popular television show that tests urban legends and myths, conducted an experiment to determine the impact of eye black on glare reduction. The results showed that while eye black may not eliminate glare entirely, it does enhance a player’s ability to differentiate between light and dark. This improvement in light-dark differentiation can be crucial for tracking fast-moving objects like a football in a sunlit environment.

Evidence from the MythBusters test suggests that eye black does have some effect in reducing glare, although its effectiveness may vary among individuals. The exact science behind how eye black achieves this reduction is still being studied, but the results of the experiment indicate that it can indeed improve a player’s vision on the field.

While the reduction of glare is a practical benefit, eye black also contributes to the aesthetic appeal of football players. It adds to their fierce and determined appearance, symbolizing their readiness for battle on the field. Whether it’s the practicality of reducing glare or the psychological boost it provides, eye black has become an integral part of the football culture.

MythBusters Experiment Results Impact on Glare Reduction Conclusion
Eye black enhances light-dark differentiation Eye black improves a player’s ability to track objects in a sunlit environment Eye black can be beneficial in reducing glare and enhancing vision on the field

Eye Black and Message Customization

Athletes have taken the practice of wearing eye black to the next level by customizing it with messages and designs. Adding personal touches to their eye black has become a popular trend among football players, allowing them to express themselves on the field. Whether it’s a motivational quote, a tribute to a loved one, or a show of support for a cause, these messages add another layer of meaning to the already iconic black stripes below their eyes.

The ability to write messages on eye black stickers gained traction in the mid-2000s, with notable players like Reggie Bush and Tim Tebow showcasing their creativity. It gave them a platform to share their beliefs, inspire others, or pay tribute to important people and events in their lives. Eye black became not only a functional accessory but also a canvas for self-expression.

However, the NCAA stepped in and implemented regulations on eye black messages in 2010. According to their rules, players are no longer allowed to display any symbols or messages on their eye black during games. The intention behind this regulation is to keep the focus on the game and prevent distractions caused by excessive customization. While some athletes still find ways to express themselves within the rules, eye black is no longer the medium for elaborate messages it once was.

The Impact of Eye Black Messages

Eye black messages served as a way for athletes to make a statement and create connections with fans, teammates, and the wider public. When Reggie Bush famously wore “619” on his eye black during a game, he paid tribute to his hometown area code in San Diego. This display not only represented his roots but also resonated with fans who felt a sense of pride and connection to the player. The personalized eye black became a way for athletes to forge deeper bonds with their supporters.

Player Eye Black Message Meaning
Reggie Bush 619 Tribute to his hometown area code
Tim Tebow John 3:16 Bible verse expressing his faith
Jackie Robinson #42 Tribute to his jersey number and legacy

While the regulations have restricted the use of eye black messages, the impact they had on fans and players alike cannot be denied. Athletes were able to use a small space beneath their eyes to communicate powerful messages, sparking conversations and creating lasting memories. Although the expressive era of eye black customization may be behind us, its influence on the game and those who witnessed it lives on.

message customization in eye black


In conclusion, eye black has become a staple in the world of football, serving both practical and aesthetic purposes. Its primary function is to reduce glare from the sun and stadium lights, improving players’ vision and ability to track objects on the field. Whether it’s in the form of roll-on grease or stick-on strips, eye black has been proven to enhance contrast sensitivity, making it an essential tool for athletes.

While scientific studies have supported the anti-glare properties of eye black, its effectiveness may vary from player to player. Nonetheless, the use of eye black has become deeply ingrained in the football culture, symbolizing the intensity and competitive spirit of the sport. Players don eye black not only for its practical benefits but also because it adds an intimidating and determined look that reflects their warrior-like mentality.

Although eye black’s impact on athletic performance may still be a subject for further research, there is no denying its significance in the game. From Babe Ruth’s use of eye black in baseball to its widespread adoption in various sports, including football, eye black continues to be a symbol of dedication and determination. So the next time you see football players with black-stained under eyes, remember the practical purpose and visual appeal that eye black brings to the game.


Why do football players paint black under their eyes?

Football players paint black under their eyes with a substance called eye black for both practical and aesthetic purposes. It helps reduce glare from the sun and stadium lights, enabling players to see the ball and signals more clearly. Additionally, it provides a cool and intimidating appearance on the field.

What is the practical purpose of eye black?

The primary purpose of football players wearing eye black is to reduce glare. It deflects sunlight and harsh stadium lights, enhancing a player’s vision and perception of detail. It also helps maintain the eye’s sensitivity to contrast, which is crucial for tracking objects on the field.

What are the different styles of eye black?

Eye black is available in various styles, with the most popular being roll-on grease and stick-on strips. The roll-on grease is directly applied to the skin, while the stick-on strips have a sticky adhesive that adheres to the skin.

What is the science behind eye black?

Scientific studies have shown that eye black improves contrast sensitivity and reduces glare from the sun. It enhances a player’s visual acuity and can contribute to their overall performance on the field.

What is the historical origin of eye black?

One of the earliest instances of a player wearing eye black was baseball legend Babe Ruth, who used it in the 1930s to reduce sun glare. The practice caught on in American football, with player Andy Farkas further popularizing eye black.

What is the significance of eye black in aesthetics?

Eye black is often described as modern war paint, lending players a cool and intimidating appearance on the field. Many athletes enjoy wearing eye black because it makes them look determined and ready for battle. It contributes to their overall image as warriors in the game.

Does eye black reduce glare?

While eye black may not eliminate glare entirely, it does improve a player’s ability to differentiate between light and dark. This enhancement in light-dark differentiation can be beneficial for tracking moving objects, such as a football in a sunlit environment.

Can eye black be customized with messages?

Athletes, particularly at the college level, have started a trend of writing short messages on adhesive eye black stickers. However, the NCAA implemented a regulation in 2010 prohibiting players from displaying symbols or messages on their eye black during games.

What is the conclusion about eye black in football?

The painting of black under their eyes with eye black has become a common practice among football players. While its practical purpose is to reduce glare and improve contrast sensitivity, eye black also provides an aesthetic appeal, making players look determined and badass. Scientific studies have shown some evidence of the anti-glare properties of eye black, although its effectiveness may vary among individuals. Whether eye black significantly enhances athletic performance remains a topic for further research. Nevertheless, its usage has become ingrained in the culture of football and symbolizes the intensity and competitive spirit of the sport.

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Yousef Savimbi

Yousef Savimbi is the avatar of Sporticane. Savimbi created Sporticane in order to provide general knowledge to aspiring young sports stars and their and as well as help them leverage their athleticism and passion into fulfilling careers.

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