Why Golfers Remove Hats to Shake Hands Explained

The custom of golfers removing their hats to shake hands is deeply rooted in the tradition and etiquette of the sport. From the early days of golf in Scotland to its popularity in the United States, golfers have practiced this gesture as a sign of respect and good manners. Removing their hats also allows golfers to make eye contact and establish a personal connection during the handshake. In addition, it signifies honesty and integrity, which are highly valued in the game of golf.

Key Takeaways:

  • Removing hats during a handshake is a long-standing tradition in golf etiquette.
  • Golfers remove their hats to show respect, establish a personal connection, and signify honesty.
  • The gesture of hat removal is deeply ingrained in the history and culture of the sport.
  • It is important to embrace this tradition to honor the values of golf.
  • Next time you’re on the golf course, remember to remove your hat when shaking hands with fellow golfers.

The Significance of Hat Removal in Golf Etiquette

The act of removing one’s hat before shaking hands in golf is considered a traditional and respectful gesture. It shows appreciation for the game, its traditions, and the fellow golfers on the course. By taking off their hats, golfers demonstrate their acknowledgment and gratitude for their playing partners’ performance during the round. It also extends to showing admiration for the golf course’s natural beauty. Removing the hat is a display of courtesy and respect that is deeply ingrained in the etiquette of the sport.

The Practical Purpose of Hat Removal

While hat removal in golf is primarily a symbolic gesture, it also serves a practical purpose. Golfers often wear hats to protect themselves from the sun and other elements during the game. However, when it comes time to shake hands, removing the hat allows golfers to establish eye contact with the person they are greeting. This personal connection helps create a sense of camaraderie and enhances the overall experience of the handshake. Furthermore, hat removal signifies transparency and openness, reflecting the values of honesty and fair play that golf embodies.

“Removing the hat before a handshake in golf is like removing a barrier between players. It allows for direct eye contact, which fosters a stronger connection and mutual respect.” – Michelle Johnson, Golf Pro

The Historical Origins of Hat Removal in Golf

The tradition of hat removal in golf can be traced back to the early days of the sport in Scotland during the 15th century. Golfers would wear hats or caps to shield themselves from the sun while playing.

“When they encountered someone on the course, they would remove their hats as a sign of respect and good manners.”

This custom was carried over to the United States as golf gained popularity in the late 1800s. The act of taking off one’s hat during a handshake in golf has since become deeply ingrained in the game’s history and culture.

golf history

In the world of golf, traditions are valued and passed down through generations. The significance of hat removal during a handshake embodies this sense of respect and honor for the sport’s history.


The tradition of golfers removing their hats to shake hands during a game of golf is more than just a gesture of respect and good manners. It is a way to establish personal connections, uphold the values of honesty and integrity, and show appreciation for the game and its traditions.

Throughout the history of golf, this custom has been passed down from generation to generation, becoming deeply ingrained in the sport’s tradition and etiquette. When golfers remove their hats before shaking hands, they not only acknowledge and respect their playing partners but also create a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship.

By taking off their hats, golfers prioritize eye contact, creating a more personal and meaningful interaction during the handshake. This act reflects transparency and openness, which are fundamental values in the game of golf. It also serves as a symbol of gratitude for the beauty of the golf course.

Whether you are a seasoned golfer or new to the game, embracing the tradition of hat removal during a golf handshake is a way to honor the sport’s heritage and demonstrate your respect for fellow golfers. So, the next time you step onto the golf course, remember to take your hat off when shaking hands and be part of this timeless tradition.


Why do golfers remove their hats to shake hands?

The custom of golfers removing their hats to shake hands is deeply rooted in the tradition and etiquette of the sport. It is a sign of respect and good manners, allowing golfers to make eye contact and establish a personal connection during the handshake. It also signifies honesty and integrity, which are highly valued in golf.

What is the significance of hat removal in golf etiquette?

Removing one’s hat before shaking hands in golf is considered a traditional and respectful gesture. It shows appreciation for the game, its traditions, and fellow golfers on the course. It is a display of courtesy and respect deeply ingrained in the etiquette of the sport.

Why is hat removal important in golf?

While hat removal in golf is primarily symbolic, it also serves a practical purpose. Golfers often wear hats to protect themselves from the sun and other elements during the game. However, removing the hat during a handshake allows golfers to establish eye contact and create a sense of camaraderie with the person they are greeting. It also reflects the values of transparency and openness in the sport.

What are the historical origins of hat removal in golf?

The tradition of hat removal in golf can be traced back to the early days of the sport in Scotland during the 15th century. Golfers would wear hats or caps to shield themselves from the sun while playing. However, when encountering someone on the course, they would remove their hats as a sign of respect and good manners. This custom was carried over to the United States as golf gained popularity in the late 1800s and has since become deeply ingrained in the game’s history and culture.

Is hat removal important during a golf handshake?

Yes, hat removal during a golf handshake is important as it is a tradition that reflects respect, appreciation for the game, and the values of honesty and integrity. By removing their hats, golfers acknowledge and show gratitude for their playing partners’ performance during the round and demonstrate their admiration for the natural beauty of the golf course. It is a way to uphold the etiquette and traditions of the sport.

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Yousef Savimbi

Yousef Savimbi is the avatar of Sporticane. Savimbi created Sporticane in order to provide general knowledge to aspiring young sports stars and their and as well as help them leverage their athleticism and passion into fulfilling careers.

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